Corneal diseases constitute a significant cause of visual impairment and blindness in the developing world. The number of corneal transplants done is far less than the actual requirement in India. A pre-experimental study was undertaken to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on eye donation among 1st year arts students of Tagore Arts and Science College, Chrompet, Chennai. The objectives of the study was to assess the pre test level of knowledge regarding eye donation among the 1st year arts students. To assess the post test level of knowledge regarding eye donation among the 1st year students. To assess the effectiveness of the structured teaching programme regarding eye donation among the the 1st year students. The research setting was at Tagore College of Arts and Science, Chrompet, Chennai-44. Sample size was 30 students selected by non-probability convenient sampling technique. Pre and post test knowledge score was assessed by standardized questionnaires. The result of the study concluded that mean and standard deviation of pre-test was 8 and 4.4 the post-test mean and standard deviation was 22 and 11.3. The calculated paired ‘t’ value was 16.7 which is statistically significant at p value (0.001).