Background: Global prevalence of children psychiatric problem was 20 % & in India 12.5 %.
Objectives: To assess the knowledge and compare the score regarding Common Behavioral Problems of school children among primary school teachers and to find out the association with demographic variable.
Methods: Pre-experimental one group pre-test post-test design was adopted and the sample size 60.
Results: In this study pre-test, majority 43 (71%) teachers had average knowledge, whereas in the post-test 42 (70%) teachers had good knowledge. The pre-test mean of 20± 3.3 and in post-test mean 28 ±3 with “t value at df59= 3.46 which was highly significant at p ≤ 0.001.This study reveals that the post test mean was higher than pre test mean score which showed the effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme.
Conclusion: Structure teaching program is effective tools to improve the knowledge.