Urinary tract infection is the common of all in affecting humans throughout their lifespan. It occurs in all populations-from neonates to geriatric patients. But it has a particular impact on females of all ages (especially during adolescent period). They are more common in women than men. They occur most frequently between the ages of 16 and 35 years. Evaluative research approach was used to evaluate the effectiveness of self instructional module on knowledge regarding prevention of Urinary Tract Infection.Pre-experimental one group pre- test post- test design was adopted in the study. Non probability convenient sampling techniquewas used to select 30 students from the Sree Balaji College of Nursing. Structured questionnaire was used to assess the pre-test and post -test level of knowledge regardingUrinary Tract Infectionamong nursing students. In pre-test level of knowledge,14(46.7%) had moderate adequate knowledge,11(36.6%) had adequate knowledge and 5(16.7%) had inadequate knowledge. After giving self instructional module, the post -test knowledge score was majority of the students 26(86.7%) gained adequate knowledge, 4(13.3%) gained moderate adequate knowledge and no sample had inadequate knowledge. The comparison of mean, standard deviation of pre-test and post-test knowledge and paired ‘t’ test value among knowledge regarding Urinary Tract Infection shows that the pre-test mean score is 6.43and the post- test mean score is 8.7. The obtained paired ‘t’ test value is 7.827 which is statistically significant at P <0.001.