Human milk has no substitute and breast is nature's apparatus for feeding babies. Breast feeding is an art. In recognition of the immense importance of breast feeding, the Baby - friendly hospital Initiative was launched by UNICEF/WHO in 1991. Breast feeding results in decreased problems such as infections and other medical problems. Breast feeding is one of the first bonding experiences between mother and child. Though it was a preferred practice by the postnatal mothers, it is not successful for the entire mother due to many factors. One of the most common factors affecting this breast feeding practice is breast engorgement. Painful breast engorgement is one of the main physical difficulties experienced by mother in the first week of postpartum. An engorged breast is enlarged, swollen and painful. It may be shiny and edematous with diffuse red areas. The nipple may be stretched flat. The milk often does not flow easily, and it may be difficult for the infant to attach to the breast for suckle until the swelling is reduced. National surveys have shown that painful breasts are the 2nd most common reason that women give up breast feeding in the first two weeks after birth. One factor contributing to such pain can be breast engorgement.