Cardiothoracic surgery (also known as thoracic surgery) is the field of medicine involved in surgical treatment of organs inside the thorax (the chest) – generally treatment of conditions of the heart (heart disease) & lungs (lung disease). In the 21st Century human life has become sophisticated with technology. Even though we enjoy the civilized world is very stressful mechanical life style, which in turns leads to many heart problems like coronary heart diseases (CAD).Healthy heart is vital for healthy living regardless of one’s age or gender one can prevent stress leading to anxiety. It prevents major cardiovascular risks, like heart attacks and strokes by choosing a healthy diet, quit smoking reducing anxiety. We must realize that the healing power of the body decreases when anxiety level increases, leading to many complications like hypertension and poor immunity ultimately poor prognosis and mortality and morbidity increases. Today even youngsters are prone to have heart ailments. So it’s very important to stay healthy and manage our anxiety level. Valve stenosis, valve regurgitation and valve prolapse is the narrowing of the heart’s valve due to abnormal valve it does not open properly, blocking blood flow into the main pumping chamber of the heart and makes the person tired and shortness of breath and other problems.
Objectives: To assess the post operative anxiety level among cardiac surgery patientin experimental group in selected hospitals of Guwahati, Assam. To assess the post operative anxiety level among cardiac surgery patientsin control group in selected hospitals of Guwahati, Assam. To compare the anxiety level between experimental and control groups inselected hospitals of Guwahati, Assam. To find out the association between level of anxiety with selecteddemographic variables among Cardiac Surgery Patients in selected hospitals of Guwahati, Assam.
Methods And Materials: True experimental two group post-test only control group design was used in this study to accomplish the objectives. Study was undertaken on 50 patients of CTVS unit, ICU and general wards of selected private hospitals of Guwahati, Assam. Non probability convenient sampling technique was used for obtaining the adequate sample for the study. Pre operative orientation program was provided to experimental group before surgery. Post test anxiety score was assessed for both experimental and control group by using Modified Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale. Post test anxiety score were compared between experimental group and control group to find the effect and association of preoperative orientation program on experimental group after administration. Results: Out of 50 samples majority eight (32%) were in age group below 21 -30 years in control group and majority nine (36%) were in age group of 41 to 50 years in experimental group. Out of 50 samples majority 15 (60 %) were male and ten (40%) were female in control group and majority 21 (84%) were male in experimental group. Out of 50 samples 22 (88%) were married in control group and majority that is 24(96 %) were married in experimental group. Out of 50 samples seven (28%) were having secondary education in control group and majority eight (32%) were post graduate in experimental group. Out of 50 samples majority nine (36%) were none, seven (28%) were serviceman in control group and majority nine (36%) were having service, eight (32%) were businessman in experimental group. Out of 50 samples majority ten (40%) were having no income in control group and majority nine (36%) were having income per month above Rs 41,000 in experimental group. Out of 50 samples majority nine (36%) were having family history of heart disease in control group and majority 12 (48%) were having history of heart disease in experimental group. Out of 50 samples majority 21(84%) were not having any history of surgery in control group and majority 21(84%) were not having any history of previous surgery, three (12%) were having heart related surgery in experimental group. Out of 50 samples majority 21 (84%) were not having any history of medical and surgical history in control group and majority 22 (88%) were not having any previous medical and surgical history in experimental group. Out of 25 respondents post test anxiety was 64% were having mild anxiety and 36% were having mild to moderate anxiety in control group and out of 25 respondents post test anxiety was 100% were having only mild anxiety in experimental group after administering pre operative orientation program cardiac surgery patients. As pre operative orientation program provide some valuable information about cardiac surgery patients psychological aspects after surgery along with overall knowledge and health improvement in CABG and valve surgery patients. Pre operative orientation program should be provided to all kind of cardiac surgery patients to improve reduce anxiety and also to improve psychological aspects of post operative cardiac surgery patients after assessing the anxiety level.
Conclusion: In association, the results shows that there was there was no significant association between the post test anxiety among cardiac surgery patients in control group with age, gender, marital status, educational status, occupational status, family history of heart disease, any previous medical and surgical history and there was significant association between the post test anxiety among cardiac surgery patients in control group with income per month and previous history of heart disease. Thus this study reveals that Pre Operative Orientation Program can be used for post operative cardiac surgery patients to decrease the level of anxiety as effective tool.