Background: Needle prick injuries are common among the health care providers all over the world. Nursing students are no exception because they perform their clinical activities during the period of their study. Objective: The objective of this study is to assess the awareness of needle prick injuries among the first year nursing students at school of nursing in a selected Medical Center, Malaysia. Betty Neuman’s systems model was used in this study as a theoretical framework. Methods and materials: A cross sectional descriptive design was used and the target populations were the first year diploma nursing students studying at the medical Center. Universal sampling technique was used to choose the participants in this study. There were 197 participants. Data was collected using self-developed questionnaire and analysed using SPSS version 20. Results: The study results shows that most of the students 131 (66.4%) have good knowledge and awareness about needle prick injuries, meanwhile 61 (30.9%) have moderate knowledge and 5 (2.5%) have poor knowledge. Conclusion: The study findings will give other nursing educational institutions some insight to improve the contents of teaching related to needle prick injuries in order to improve students’ knowledge and awareness about needle prick injuries.