A study of anemia and diabetic complications in patients with type iidiabetes mellitus in a tertiary care centre

Hemani K and Kannan Rajendran

Objective and background: Diabetes mellitus is a common metabolic disorder defined byhyperglycemea due to, insulin deficiency in Type IDM or insulin resistance as in Type II DM. The disorder when left unattended can compromise on the quality of life particularly with the development of complications. This study attempts to study the complications in patients with DM Type II in a tertiary care centre.
Method: The present study was done at a tertiary care centre. Hospital records of 122 patients who attended the hospital with the diagnosis of Type IIDM were retreieved for this study, to analyse anaemia and other associated comorbidities present in those patients.
Result: The results revealed that, of the 122 records seen 62.2% were females and 37.7% were men. Aged between 29-68 years. Of them, 71.3% had anaemia. From peripheral smear study, it was inferred that 59.7% patients had normocytic anaemia, and39.8% had microcytic anaemia and 1.4% hadmacrocytic anaemia.
Amongst the common complications associated with Type II DM, 52.63% patients had diabetic neuropathy, 9.64% had diabetic nephropathy, 14.03% had diabetic foot ulcer and 7.89% had diabetic retinopathy
Conclusion: Records from the tertiary care centre revealed, that, Type II DM was prevalent more in women (62.2%) than in men (37.7%). The most common type of anaemia was normocyticnormochromic type seen in 59.7% cases. Amongst the macrovascular complications diabetic neuropathy was the most prevalent seen in 52.63% cases.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24327/ijcar.2017.3594.0323
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