Aims and Objective: To study and evaluate the serum vitamin b12 levels in patients of cirrhosis of liver and its correlation with peripheral neuropathy Material Methods: All the Patients having cirrhosis of liver, attending Medicine Outpatient Department and admitted in indoor medical wards. Total number of patients in this study is 100. In our study, vitamin B12 levels assessed in sera of 100 patients of liver cirrhosis. Mean Serum Vitamin B12 level of 1953.73±301.40 (pg/ml)had peripheral neuropathy whereas mean serum Vitamin B12 level of 887.48±492.67 (pg/ml) did not had peripheral neuropathy and this difference is statistically significant(p=0.0001). Results: Serum Vitamin B12 levels were assessed in different etiology of liver cirrhosis. In our study among 39 patients of alcoholic liver cirrhosis 26 patients had peripheral neuropathy and the mean value of Serum Vitamin B12 level among them was 1579.21±605.38 (pg/ml) and statistical association was insignificant. (p=0.1)B12 was found in female patients of liver cirrhosis with a mean value of 1757.70±529.22 (pg/ml) and Serum Vitamin B12 levels assessed in different etiology of liver cirrhosis with peripheral neuropathy. Conclusion: In our study we finally conclude that Peripheral neuropathy more ommonly seen in patients of cirrhosis of liver predominantly sensory motor demyelinating type of polyneuropathy irrespective of etiology of liver cirrhosis, and Vitamin B12 deficiency seems to be a precipitating or causative factor for the development of peripheral neuropathy in patients of cirrhosis of liver.