Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience caused by tissue damage and release of various pain mediators, of which histamine enhances secretion of nerve growth factor responsible for hyperalgesia. Selective H1 antihistaminic drug exerts anti-nociceptive effect by blocking the H1 receptors. We planned a study to evaluate the analgesic effect of Levocetrizine in pain induced mice models. After getting IAEC clearance, 24 inbred adult albino mice of both sexes were divided into 4 groups with 6 animals in each group. Animals were allowed to take normal feed & distilled water orally . Animals in the standard group received Inj.Morphine 20mg/kg BW intraperitoneally (ip). Animals in the Test group 1 received T.Levocetrizine 0.5 mg/kg BW(ip) and Test group 2 received T. Levocetrizine 1 mg/kg BW (ip). Analgesic effect was evaluated periodically at 0, 30, 60, 90, 120 minutes by Eddy’s Hot Plate method and Haffner’s Tail Clip method. Statistically significant pain reduction was observed in standard, test 1 and test 2 groups(p<0.001)when compared to control group and Levocetrizine has analgesic effect at 0.5 mg/kg and 1mg/kg BW, comparable to Inj.Morphine 20 mg/kg BW.Levocetrizine has significant analgesic activity at 0.5 mg/kg and 1 mg/kg. It can be considered as an add-on therapy for pain relief in patients with allergic conditions