In India, larger amount of lignite are being excavated from NLC, Neyveli, Tamilnadu. A study was conducted to isolate Actinomyctes from this mine soil. A total of eight isolates were isolated and they were identified based on their morphological and biochemical characterization. The identified actinomycetes isolates were Streptomyces vastus, Streptomyces mirabilis, Actinomycetes longiporus, Actinomycetes aureocirculatus, Streptomyces roseole, Streptomyces platensis, Actinomycetes janthinus and Actinomycetes malachitorectus. Among them, many isolates had the inhibition activity against some bacterial pathogens. Gram positive bacteria were highly sensitive to secondary metabolites produced by actinomycetes, than the gram negative bacteria.