Fingerlings of Indian major carp, Catla catlawas exposed to two different pesticides chlorpyrifos and carbofuran for a period of 24hrs. Various parameters including biochemical and enzyme activity was envisaged to determine the effect of the pesticides. Total protein, carbohydrate and lipid were found to decrease in both pesticide treated groups in all the organs of the fish. Succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) increased in the liver (7.14 MIU/min/mg) of chlorpyrifos treated group and decreased in all the other tissues compared to control. Similar to SDH, Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity also increased in the liver of both chlorpyrifos (7.66MIU/min/mg) and carbofuran (7.15MIU/min/mg) treated groups. However maximum LDH activity was observed in the muscle (8.58MIU/min/mg) of carbofuran treated groups. Acid phosphatase (ACP) increased in both the treated groups in brain, muscle and kidney whereas, alkaline phosphatase (ALP) was found to decrease in all the treated groups compared to control.