Tin Sulpho Selenide (SnSSe) thin films were prepared by chemical spray pyrolysis technique. Cleaned non conducting glass slides were used as substrates. The precursors used were Stannous chloride, Thiourea and Selenourea for deposition. Various parameters to synthesize the SnSSe thin films were the surface temperature, distance between surface nozzle and substrate heater and the pressure were optimized initially out of which substrate temperature was kept constant at 325 ° C + 5 °C, distance between spray nozzle and heater was kept 29 cm. The as deposited thin films of SnSSe were annealed in the nitrogen atmosphere for half an hour before characterization. The nitrogen annealed thin SnSSe films were studied for structural, optical, morphological, electrical, Photo sensing and Photo luminescent properties. X-ray diffraction studies show that the films are polycrystalline in nature with orthorhombic crystal structure .Crystallite size of the film was found to be 292 nm.Optical absorption study reveals a band gap of 0.9 eV . Present investigation describes the effect of increase in incident intensity of light on the SnSSe thin films. The light intensity was varied by using the incandescent bulb, maximum photosensitivity of SnSSe thin films was found to obtained 40000.In Photoluminescence study the peaks observed in were in close agreement with the reported peaks of the photoluminescence spectra for SnSSe thin films. The blue shift observed in PL emission spectra corresponds to nanocrystalline effect. This indicates that the nitrogen annealed SnSSe thin films Show the best photosensitivity as well as photo luminescent in nature.