Status of partial edentulism and its restoration: a study in the age group of 30 -60years among the urban population

M.Priyadharshini., Dr.Dhanraj and Dr.Anandhi

Background: Partial edentulous is a dental arch in which one or more but not all natural teeth are missing.Generally it occurs by carries or periodontal problems ,traumatic injuries and cystic lesions. Partial edentulous leads to several drawback to the subjects including clinical challenges and lifestyle compromises.Clinically partial edentualism results in drifting and tilting of adjacent teeth, supra eruption of opposing teeth, altered speech, changes in facial appearance and temporal mandibular disorders.

Aim andObjective:To find the status of partial edentulism and its restoration which is a cross sectional study in the age group of 30-60yrs among the urban population of Chennai.The objective of the study is to find out the frequency of partially edentulism.Its arch distribution status and awareness to restore among a population sample aged 30-60yrs using a self administered questionnaire.

Methods: In this study, a survey and a patient examination method was proposed.The population for the study comprised of people between 30-60 years of age belonging to urban places. As the study is planned to be a descriptive one, it is proposed to take 10 % of the total population through cluster sampling method. Each cluster consisted of group of people from various age groups such as 30-40 yrs, 41-50yrs and 51-60yrs.

Results:Among the population examined 47% of them were malesand 53% of them are females.The study included people fromthe age group 30-40 years is 13%,41-50 years is 33%,51-60 years is 54%.Dental caries (66%) was the major causes for partial
edentulism.From this survey, it is seen that people who declinedprosthodontictreatment due to lack of knowledge is 47%,due to fear is 24%,economic reason is 2% and other reasons include 27%.

Conclusion:The Prevalence of status of partial edentulous in the state population of urban areas of Chennai is relatively high.The awareness about rehabilitation of partial edentulous state is also inadequate.Hence, more awareness and treatment program has to be initiated to address this concern.

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