Empowerment of women can delineate to encouraged women’s sense of personality and capability to determine personal choices, right to influence communal revolutionize for them. What’s more, women have self-government, equal opportunities, and the talent to formulate strategic choices in all areas of their lives. In the contemporary era, the concept of women’s empowerment has expanded more and more importance. All types of empowerment- social, political, economic, cultural, legal, ethical, religious, and even spiritual allotted to women with the sympathetic and the enlightened Buddha. Buddhism recommended equal status to women with men. In Buddhism, the concept of empowerment put in the picture that a woman who wants to empower herself should not only understand her potential and factual personality but must put in efforts to achieve her goals. The main purpose of Buddhism is to eliminate suffering. The inequality of women is a form of suffering. Therefore, Buddhism cannot be against feminism to oppose the suffering of all sentient beings. The present study tries to discuss about the Buddhist perspective on empowerment of women and real situation of women in Buddhism.