Air pollution is a major environmental concern around the whole world. Over last decades increase in industrialization, urbanisation and rapid growth in population has led to retrogression environmental conditions. Due to the challenge of strengthening the economy of the country, India is facing issues in protecting its environment. India ranked ninth most polluted country in the world as per2014 WHO report. According to this report, 80% of the urban population is exposed to the air quality levels which exceeded the standard limits. Major polluted cities in India contains high-level criteria of pollutants like Sulphur Dioxide(SO2), Nitrogen Dioxide(NO2), Particulate Matter(PM), Greenhouse gases, Ozone precursors and aerosols etc. which deteriorate the environment. In this assessment, three air pollutants are monitored for air quality evaluation from 7 topographical different cities (Chandigarh, Ahmedabad, Bhopal, Chennai, Kolkata, Shillong, Thiruvendrum) which are SO2, NO2 and PM10.There are various health risks of these air pollutants like higher respiratory illness rates, heart diseases, chronic bronchitis, pulmonary emphysema, Pneumonia, cancer, eye irritation,. The air quality data generated at various monitoring stations of selected cities from 2005 to 2015 is compiled and analyzed. The study shows fluctuating trends which indicates the level of pollutants from 2005 to 2015 where SO2 and NO2 are more or less stable and coming under the NAAQS limits whereas PM10 shows increment in its levels until 2013, then decrement in 2014 and 2015.The analysis of the data collected indicates that, there is need to focus on non-exhaust emission including municipal waste and biomass burning, a rapid decrease in vehicles, the decrease in forest area etc. it has been also seen that topographical and meteorological conditions also play an important role in increment or decrement of air pollution rate over the areas.