Despite modern medical advances, the morbidity and mortality rates associated with spinal epidural abscess remain significant, and the diagnosis often is elusive. The highly variable presentation of spinal epidural abscess may confuse the diagnosis and delay indicated surgical intervention. Localized back pain in a febrile patient at significant risk for epidural abscess warrants erythrocyte sedimentation rate measurement. The presence of erythrocyte sedimentation rate elevation or evidence of spinal cord compression on physical examination are indications for immediate magnetic resonance imaging examination with contrast enhancement. Surgical drainage with sustained intravenous antibiotic treatment remains the cornerstone of therapy. Non operative management may be considered in selected cases.
We report a case of Lumbar spinal epidural abscess without any evidence of predisposing factors. Methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus was identified as the causal pathogen. Infection was managed with Neurosurgical intervention (laminectomy) followed by debridement and a prolonged course of recommended antibiotic therapy.