This paper is an outcome of the study which was carried out to examine the role played by the Alternative folk music band, Imphal Talkies and the Howlers on the Manipuri youth audiences of Delhi through its songs addressing the social significance of the messages in the contemporary Manipuri society. It aimed to assess the behavior and perception of the youth audiences towards their home-state. It also attempts to do an in-depth analysis of selected song lyrics from the first two albums and independent track list. It is recommended that, there is a great need to expand the reach of the songs for social change not just among the youth but people as a whole in order to bring a society with active citizens rather than just being passive. This will directly or indirectly aid in fastening the process of bringing a society to social justice. It further recommended that the songs of protest or social justice should not be taken as mere music but also a tool to enhance the rational thinking of audiences towards their society.