Back ground: There has been no epidemiology of HIV/AIDS with regarding to socio-demographic profile of the patients receiving ART treatment, which is helpful in planning the future complex needs of PLWH and prevent prospective of the disease.
Aim: To know the socio-demographic profile of the PLWH attending ART center in government general hospital ,Guntur.
Methodology: A cross sectional study was conducted. The patients were screened based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. Data was collected and the obtained results were tabulated and interpreted using SPSS version 17, Chi- square test.
Results: 250 patients were included in the study. On reviewing the data it was found that more than half (55.2%) were females compared to males (40.8%). The age distribution showed most of them were adults aged between 30-49yrs (61.6%) of the study population. Those with illiteracy and primary level of education constituted (66%). Having income accounted for (57.2%) compared to those who don’t have any income (42.8%). Single marital status had a prevalence of (14%) and the married (67.6%) was the majority. This finding suggested that most likely form of HIV transmission in Guntur is sexual. The non-consanguineously married patients (71%) outnumbered the consanguineously married patients (29%). This conclude that their no relationship between the HIV transmission and the lineage/ Kinship marriage. This finding showed patients are mostly having the family history of HIV (46.4%) more than half of it was constituted by husband (55.1%) Those with no habits (71.6%) outnumbered compared with those having habits (28.4%), of which (13.6%) are alcoholics.
Conclusion: This study showed that as many women as men were equally vulnerable. Risk factors for HIV infection were being adults, illiteracy, employed with low level of income, presence of family history of HIV which was mainly from husband to wife. These findings suggested that HIV transmission in Guntur was sexual.