Background:The problem associated with rearing intellectually disabled and functional psychosis children and adolescent is multifold Problems like disturbance of –daily routine, family leisure education, family health, steady dram on time, physical and emotional energy as well as financial resources and over above social interaction of the parents.Parents' psychological adjustment can be defined as the adaptive task of managing upsetting feelings aroused by the illness of the child and preserving a reasonable emotional balance(Moos R. H. &Tsu V. D., 1977). Pless and Pinkerton (1975) have postulated that adjustment to chronic illness changes over time and that at any given moment psychological adjustment will reflect the cumulative product of earlier transactions.
Aim & Objective: The purpose of this study was to assess and compare social adjustment among parent of children with intellectual disability and functional psychosis.
Participants and Methods: This study was a cross-sectional hospital based study. The study samples were selected through purposive sampling technique. The sample size was 40 parents among which 20 parents of children and adolescent with intellectual disability and 20 parents of children and adolescent with functional psychosis taken from Erna Hoch Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Unit and Charak Outpatient Department, of the Central Institute of Psychiatry, Kanke, Ranchi. The Modified Social Adjustment Scale (SAS-M)scale was used for the data collection. Data were analyzed by Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS- 21 version).
Result & Conclusion: Results indicated no significant group differences in ratings of “modified-social adjustment scale”.