Now days in the modern constructions like Nuclear Power Plants, multiplex complex, the bonded reinforcements are often used in conjunction with prestressed steels and in the composite structures, the shear connectors are invariably provided, for which the bond (pull out) strength of concrete is predominant factor. Shear failure is catastrophic as it occurs suddenly without sufficient warning. The bond strength between reinforcement and concrete influences the flexural strength, shear strength and ductility of the reinforced concrete sections. Because of modern life styles, modern electrical equipments the occurrence of fire accidents also increased. Therefore, it is essential to adequately evaluate the shear resistance and pullout strength of reinforced concrete elements during fire conditions to avoid such disastrous mode of failure.
The steel fiber reinforced concrete structures have more resistance against cracking, deflection, spalling, shear and pullouts. SFRC has advantages over conventional reinforced concrete for several end uses in construction. The strength and durability of the concrete increases about 30% when the copper slag is partially replaced up to 40% with river sand as fine aggregate. The use of copper slag in the concrete will be the effective waste management of dumped copper slag and the cost of the concrete also will be reduced.