Introduction: Sexual Abuse is really an incalculable problem in terms of the damage it causes and more in the victims of this scourge, the path of the study is to know the types of abuse, more vulnerable women, the economic level in which it is presented, relationship between victim and aggressor, consequences and support provided.
Methodology: the design was descriptive, quantitative and cross-sectional, a questionnaire of 25 closed questions was designed, a pilot test was carried out on 20 women, and it was applied to 153 women of Tixtla Gro, for their evaluation in the statistical program SPSS ver.15 and tabulation in Excel.
Results: psychological abuse with 47 cases followed by physical abuse with 34 and finally sexual abuse with 4 cases. Most frequently occurring in married women aged 23 to 50 as the main aggressor, the husband under the influence of alcohol.
Conclusions: Women, despite the mistreatment they suffer, do not seek help, perhaps because they have a low cultural level and schooling, religion and socioeconomic level also influence psychological abuse, followed by sexual abuse activity in women with similar age ranges.
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