Pasteurization of milk is done by heating the milk to 71.7°C for 15 seconds to destroy harmful bacteria and reduce the numbers of spoilage organisms to extend shelf-life and it doesn’t kill thermoduric bacteria. The non thermal processing milk such as microfiltration and UV radiation of milk are serving as an alternative methods for processing milk. The treatments were divided as pasteurized milk (TC - control), rawmilk (T1), microfilteredmilk (T2), UV treated milk at 1.5 kj and UV treated milk at 1.7 kj respectively. The storage of various milk samples at 4-5°C up to 12 days revealed that the UV processed milk at 1.5kj obtained a moderately high score by the sensory analysis on 9 point hedonic scale and the sensory panel commented as like slightly (6) and up to 9 days of storage the sensory panel commented as like moderately (7). The treatments pasteurized milk, microfiltered milk and UV treated milk at 1.7 kj samples obtained low sensory scores (less than 5 on the 9 point hedonic scale) till storage up to 12 days. Finally, the UV treatment of milk at 1.5kj can be an alternative to thermal processing of milk due to higher preference by the sensory panel.