In this Paper, The purpose of applying the Cox-regression is mainly for comparison between the treatment regimens or comparison of dosage level of radiotherapy, their ultimate aim being identification of the prognostic factors of five-year survival probability of breast cancer patients. The Cox-Proportional hazard model most commonly used multivariable approach for analysing survival time data in medical research. Finally, a model with four covariates, namely, recurrence of the disease, age of the woman, duration of radiotheraphic treatment and stage of the disease, has been identified as the prognostic factors of breast cancer survival after the completion of treatment. It is usual to work with the survivor function for descriptive analyses and the hazard function for assessing the relationship between explanatory variables and survival time. A numerically effective way of computing the LASSO estimate, but it is useful for assessing the complexity of the fit. while one that developed from the ducts is called ductal carcinoma. The vast majority of breast cancer cases occur in females. In this paper, it is proposed study on breast cancer in women. Using hazard models based on semi and non semi parametric models. Numerical illustrations are also provided.