The present study deals with the prevalence and incidence of nematodes in goats at five different sites of Barwani district (M.P), sites selected were Barwani, Sendhwa, Niwali, Pansemal and Khetia. Survey was conducted on total 600 goats. Out of which 300 goats belong to slaughter house and 300 goats belong to Farm house holder.. Egg and Worm collection were done during rainy, winter and summer season. During the present study five genera of nematode were identified i.e. Nematodirus spp., Trichuris spp., Haemonchus spp., Strongyloides spp. and Trichostrongylus spp.
On the basis of egg and worm collection the overall infection in goats at Slaughter house was 84% during rainy season, 78% during winter season and 70% during summer season and in Farm house goat’s egg collection was 77% during rainy season, 66% during winter season and 60% during summer season.