Scientific approaches of stress releasing techniques and meditation: a review study

Suparna R. Deshmukh

It is the pressure exerted by increasing demands of human life leads to develop stress on every cell and tissue of human body. Stress created by cravings and aversion produces lots of adverse effects on physiology, anatomy and psychology of a person. Levels of Cortisol hormone in blood is responsible for developing stress. SudarshanKriya and Meditation are the basic techniques used as stress releasing techniques since 1980s. Present study discusses effect of SudarshanKriya and Meditation on human body. SudarshanKriya is a natural rhythmic breathing technique used to release stress, tensions, and depression by minimizing stress hormone, Cortisol level in the blood. Prolactin, a beneficial hormone, level has been found to increase simultaneously. The blood lactate levels shown remarkably fall while there is increase in anti-oxidant enzymes levels. Electroencephelogram has shown indications of high alertness with increase in Beta-activity is observed in the left frontal occipital and midline regions of brain. SudarshanKriya is taught in special programmes conducted by Art Of Living Foundation worldwide. Meditations taught by this foundation has shown to increase confidence, concentration and creativity along with calmness of mind and clarity of thoughts as the prominent effects.

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