Aim: To compare the cephalometric analyses between 50 male and 50 female patients with class-1 occlusion in chennai population. And interpret the values collected.
Objective: To do Schwartz cephalometric analysis for class-1 (50 male & 50 female) patients attending department of orthodontics in saveetha dental college, chennai.
Background: Lateral cephalometric radiographs have become indispensable to orthodontic treatment of patients. They are important in orthodontic growth analysis, diagnosis, treatment planning, monitoring of treatment and evaluation of treatment outcome.In this study we use all Schwartz cephalometric analysis techniques to compare the findings between male and female patients.
Reason: Identification of landmarks and interpretation of findings of a three dimensional object on a two dimensional image cannot be regarded as truly stable. Correlation between linear and angular measurements as applied in Schwartz analysis can predict correct way of diagnosis and treatment planning.