Global, economic and political trends, social differentiation, the effects of new technologies on the environment and society’s restructuring, in business areas; trends such as new business styles, employment patterns, technological development and new professions, education and training trends, new scientific paradigms, spiritual and religious trends on a global scale, world peace and warfare, global governance, South-North relations and the future of regional-scale economic blocs Being able to design more effective management models and be prepared for uncertainties by predicting the possibilities are factors that strengthen the management skills of managers. The aim of this study is to provide basic information about the scenario analysis method used for civil administration planning in the West for about seventy-five years and to spread the studies on the subject in the literature. The fact that strategic management and planning concepts are frequently encountered in studies in the field of management has also led to the need for scenario analysis and scenario planning studies, which are an important technique for strategic management. Based on this need, this study aims to reveal the basic lines by sampling the Covid-19 scenario after summarizing the history of the subject.