Clinical education is a principal component of undergraduate/ entry-level allied health curricula, and it is perceived as essential to the development of clinical skills and attitudes. The goal of clinical education is to integrate theory and practice in controlled environment to provide students with learning that is necessary for entry into professional practice. Method: The data was collected from 53 respiratory therapy preceptors who work in KAMC-Riyadh. Self-administered questionnaires were designed to collect data from RTs’ Preceptors: The questionnaire had 3 main sections, including personal characteristics, clinical education process and students behaviors at clinical placements. The self-administered questionnaires were developed from previous clinical education research publications for full detailed of questionnaires. Result: The study duration was 5-monthes period between January 1, Table 1 shows the study participants characteristics, table 2 shows the perception of RT preceptors about supervision of number of students at one time, table 3 shows attitude of RT Preceptors about clinical education, and table 4 shows Knowledge of RT Preceptors about clinical education. Conclusion: it is clear that the preceptors prefer to have a one to one supervision. The attitude of the preceptors was positive in most of the attitude items, and the knowledge of the instructor about the clinical education was also positive except the awareness of the curriculum and the level of the students.