Disruption of routine immunization services, even for small periods, can result in outbreak prone vaccine preventable diseases (VPDs) such as Measles and Polio. Such VPD outbreaks may result in increased morbidity and mortality predominantly in young infants and other vulnerable groups; this can cause greater burden on health care system already strained by the COVID-19 response especially in low and middle income countries (LMICs). The decision to maintain immunization services will be influenced by local mandates , hence stake holders are requested to liaise with local health authority for any discrepancy in local byelaws in civil administration regarding immunization services.COVID-19 leaves some of the world’s most vulnerable communities facing 'a crisis within a crisis'. Balance between the safety of health care workers delivering vaccination services and protection against VPDs in LMICs is the need of hour. Though various guidelines on routine immunizations are available but its difficult to generalise or extrapolate one country model to another and therefore tailor made specific approach as per the country resources and its capability to cope with COVID-19 scenario to be implemented.