Objectives: - (1) To check efficacy of aerobic exercise, meditation and walnut consumption in dysmenorrhoea. (2) To find method to reduce sickness absenteeism.
Study design:- Randomised control trial
Methodology:- Ninety dysmenorrhoeal students (based on VAS score and Menstrual distress questionnaire ) in the age group of 17-25 from medical and nursing students of two medical colleges were selected and randomly divided into three groups A, B and C. Group A performed aerobic exercises, Group B performed meditation and group C were given 20gm of walnut each day. VAS score was taken during each cycle for three consecutive cycles.
Results: - After three cycles the entire three groups showed reduction in symptoms based on VAS score but reduction in symptoms was much more in case of students. Three groups were compared using ANOVA test. Group C showed most significant decrease in VAS score (p=0.039) followed by exercise group (p=0.156) and meditation group showed least reduction (p= 0.465).
Conclusion: - By decreasing the severity of dysmenorrhoeal symptoms walnut consumption along with aerobic exercises can reduce sickness absenteeism and increase performance of female medical professionals.