Role of mudra bank in promoting and development of rural entrepreneurship

Dileep Kumar S. D and Giridhar K. V

The MUDRA Bank, which has set up by Government of India, especially to strengthen and develop the micro units, which are striving to create new identity in the nation but unable to achieve it due to lack on one of the major resources i.e financial accessibility, keeping this view Government of India has enforced the scheme MUDRA, to encourage and maintaining sustainable development of micro units in India. It includes uniformity in its regulations and code of conduct for all micro units. The MUDRA schemes mainly deal with those who need less investment but operate with its own limit by starting new enterprises and enhancing development of existing enterprises. In India number of educates and illiterate have the desire of starting their own entities, but the major obstacle for attaining it is lack of financial resource mobility. Hence this paper focuses on how MUDRA bank is playing better role in removing such obstacle and leading better way for achieving their goals.

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