In the process of second language acquisition (SLA), there are key theories such as behaviourism, cognitive and socio cultural to elucidate how learners can best learn a language and, of course, none of them can fully explain this. However, presumably, socio cultural theory can be seen as the most appropriate one to channel and clarify how languages are learned. This is basically because it considers language learning as a social practice and also makes students an active part of the process of learning. This study will focus on two Kurdish case studies to determine the significant of social and attitudinal factors in the success of SLA. It also presents the common language difficulties that English learners may face in the process of communication. According to second language acquisition theories, additionally, learners rely on their own educational background and experience to successfully get their meanings across. This study could be a leading point for foreign language instructors to implement useful pedagogical approaches and provide students with more communicative competency in the class. For achieving the study purposes, semi- structured interview and observation were employed as data collection methods and also two students were selected purposively who were studying English language at Soran University, Faculty of Arts.