Background: Family, mainly the mother, has the most important role in the Health education, transformation of information and healthy behaviours of girls. Menarche is an important milestone in a girl’s life and Role of mother is crucial in appropriate knowledge about reproductive health & safe practices. Objectives: To estimate menstrual awareness, menstrual hygiene practices and restrictions among school going adolescent girls with respective Mothers role. Materials and Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted among 200 adolescent girls of 9th to 12th standard of different schools of Rewa, after informed consent from their parents and principles of respective schools. Results: Mean age of the participant girls was 15.1 ± 1.54 years. Study concludes that good hygienic practices in study subjects associated with improved mother’s education. Maximum number of study subjects of educated mothers used sanitary pads, changed absorbents(≥3times), soap used to wash genitalia, washed genitalia ≥3 times /day and bathed daily during menstruation. The girls of illiterate mothers had more restriction during menstruation than educated mother’s girls. Conclusion: During study, it was observed that hesitation present in girls during interaction in sensitive subject like menstrual health, so it was necessary to create healthy environment so that everyone can discuss openly about their personal experience on this type of sensitive matters.