Micro finance being an anti poverty vaccine provides micro loans to the poor to facilitate them in generating income for their household. The credit so provided helps the poor to tap opportunities for livelihood and work their way out of poverty. The idea is to make easy loans available to the underprivileged strata of the society. They do not have a positive attitude towards bank loans because of the lengthy formalities involved. Though microfinance is helpful in reducing poverty yet the economic condition of a nation is not improved merely by uplifting the poor, the bad condition of women also needs to be given the required weight. We may live in the 21st century, but it’s still a man’s world out here. Women’s contribution is still considered as an extension of household domain. A nation’s economy cannot progress until every segment of the society is brought to the forefront and enjoys equal rights. Micro finance is necessary to overcome exploitation, create confidence for economic self reliance particularly among rural women. Microfinance Institutions with the help of SHGs have the potential to contribute to women’s ability to earn income. The programmes initiated by MFIs can influence the economic empowerment. They are potentially very significant contributors to gender equality and women's empowerment. The paper is an attempt to throw some light on the miseries faced by rural women and the ways to overcome them after interacting with some respondents it was observed that they expect the NGOs to come up with training sessions in order that the skills of women are enhanced which in turn leads to psychological and social empowerment.
The study is categorized into five sections: Section 1 gives the introduction of study, Section II gives the Literature Review, Section III provides research methodology, Section IV provides data analysis and findings, Section V gives the conclusion and suggestions.