Aim & Objective: The study was conducted to characterize features of various hepatic lesions using triple phase CT as diagnostic modality, differentiate benign hepatic lesions from malignant, and correlate findings of triple phase CT with clinical, histopathology or post-operative findings for calculation of its efficacy.
Material & Methods: The study was carried out from October 2018 to October 2019 during which a total of 100 patients of 1-80 yrs irrespective of sex were enrolled in this cross-sectional study, and all patients underwent triple phase CT examination of abdomen using a 16 slice multi-detector CT scanner ( Brilliance 16-slice ,Philips) as per the standard protocol . The accuracy, sensitivity and specificity was calculated.
Results: MDCT is a very effective tool in detecting and characterizing focal lesions of liver. Triple phase CT can be an excellent diagnostic modality for characterisation and better evaluation of hepatic masses with sensitivity of 91.3% , specificity 97.8% , PPV 91.3% and NPV 97.8% (p value<0.001 , kappa value 0.847). Malignant hepatic lesions can be diagnosed by triphasic CT with accuracy of 93 %, sensitivity and specificity of 93.3% and 92.5% respectively and with PPV and NPV of 94.9% and 90.2% respectively.
Conclusion: This study indicates MDCT to be highly sensitive in classifying the hepatic lesions into clinically relevant categories, making diagnosis and evaluation of lesion. Besides the easy availibility , cost effectiveness, the dominance of MDCT is primarily due to its excellent visualization of early lesions and its anatomic relationship .