Introduction: Laser hatching improves embryo-endometrial cross talk, endometrial
receptivity & implantation.
Purpose: To evaluate role of laser assisted hatching in frozen thaw ART cycles.
Material & Methods: This is a retrospective study conducted from Jan. 2015 & Dec.2016. Age group 30-40yrs, AMH 1.5-6 ng/ml were included. 178 patients in study group were
compared with 134 patients in control group.
Results & Observations: For D2/3 embryos, 30-35yr group, Implantation rate(IR) between study and control group was found to be 18.9% vs 14.28%, clinical pregnancy rate (CPR) 33.8% vs 25% & live birth rate (LBR) 26.4% vs 22.91%. In 35-40yrs group,
rates were 12.09% vs 11.11% IR, 20% vs 16.66% CPR, 17.7% vs 13.88% LBR. For blastocysts, in younger group, IR was 30.43% vs 27.14% in controlgroup,
CPR 36.9% vs 31.42%, LBR 32.6% vs 28.57% resp. Blastocysts, in older group
had 36.84% vs 23.33% implantation rates, 63% vs 26.66% CPR, 57.8% vs 20% LBR.
Results were better in LH group & the difference was significant in elder age group with blastocyst transfer.
Conclusion: Laser hatching improves the outcome in FET cycles.