FNAC of neck node is a very cost effective, simple and free of complication procedure. It is well tolerated by the patient, done on an outpatient basis and repeatable. FNAC not only confirms the presence of metastasis but also gives clues regarding the nature and origin of the primary tumor. The diagnostic accuracy of FNAC in neck node malignancy is high and is above 90%.
Aims of The Study- This study was done to see the clinical and cytological profile of metastatic neck nodes in adults above 18 years in terms of:-
1. Cytological characterization.
2. To correlate cytological findings with the site of primary tumor
3. To identify problem areas in cytological interpretation in metastatic neck nodes
Material and Methods- A total of 100 cases of metastatic enlarged cervical lymph nodes registered from December 2009 to December 2010 were enrolled and studied through Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology.
Results-Maximum nodal metastasis is present in 5th and 6th decade.65% were squamous cell carcinoma, 19% were poorly differentiated carcinoma, 12% adenocarcinoma and 3% nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Primary site could be identified in 69% cases. The commonest source of metastasis was oral cavity (46%), larynx (35%), lung (9%) and breast (4%).
Conclusion- FNAC is a quick, convenient and safe method for diagnosis of suspected/unsuspected metastatic neck nodes.