Introduction: In the setting of chronic pancreatitis, pancreatic ductal obstruction, ductal leak, pseudocyst formation and biliary obstruction present many challenges for endoscopists and management of these complications is complex. Here we present an observational study of endotherapy in patients with chronic pancreatitis with its complications.
Methodology: The study was conducted from January 2015 to June 2017 at Madras Medical College.Patients diagnosed as CP with complications based on Clinical, Biochemical and imaging features were included in the study.
Results:Total of 447 patients admitted with Chronic pancreatitis with pain and other complications at our Centre. Among 447 cases 134 cases posted for Endotherapy (male 96,71.6% and female 38,28.4%).Following were indications of therapy symptomatic pseudocyst communicating with MPD 58 cases(43.2%),Pancreatic ascites with pancreatic pleurofistula 32(23.8%),Stricture with stones18(13.4%) and CBD stricture 10(11.9%).Patients were treated with PD stent placement across the leak in pancreatic ascites/effusion and strictures dilated with retrieval of stones with stent placement in appropriate patients.CBD Stricture treated with DP stent placement. In 24(17.9%) patients could not able to cannulate PD due to various reasons and procedure aborted. 10(7.46%) Patients developed procedure related complications in which 8 had mild interstitial pancreatitis and 2 had mild bleeding managed conservatively.
Conclusion: Endotherapy is effective, less invasive than surgery, offers good results and is associated with low morbidity and mortality. It can be repeated and does not interfere with any subsequent surgical procedure. It is therefore advisable to offer endotherapy as the first line treatment in properly selected patients with CP.