The increase in power demand has made operation and planning of large interconnected power system more complex and therefore less secure than before. Hence, the modern power systems are more prone to widespread failures. One family of device that has enhanced the safe and reliable operation of the network and has contributed to capacity augmentation is FACTS. But, they are very expensive and must be suitably sized and located to maximize the overall benefit to the system. This work aims to identify the optimal location and size of the Static Var Compensator (SVC) by optimizing the multi objective function, formulated by different factors that define the system security, namely Voltage Deviation, System Overload and Real Power Losses. The multi-objective optimization function has been optimized using a Modified Bacterial Foraging Optimization Algorithm (MBFOA). The results are presented and analysed for an Indian Utility Neyveli Thermal Power Station (IU-NTPS) 23 bus practical system. The results outperform the Genetic Algorithm.