Introduction: Youth population is a vulnerable age group who can develop risk factors for non communicable diseases (NCDs) in their life style as the behaviour changes are initiated and long term decisions are taken at this stage of life. They are also considered more likely to quit the wrong habits in time before further harm, if appropriate intervention is taken. This study was conducted to determine the prevalence and distribution of major risk factors for NCDs among youth as currently negligible data is available.
Materials and methods: A STEPS Survey, comprising of three steps for assessment of risk factors of NCDs, was conducted in an Urban City (Shimla) during 2015–16. A multistage sample of 603 youth, aged 15–24 years, was taken. WHO STEPs questionnaire was used to collect information on behavioural, physical and biochemical risk factors.
Results: Tobacco consumption was observed in 30.5% (95% CI-26.8-34.2%) of the participants (50.16% and 11.68% among males and females respectively). 29.8% (95% CI-26.2-33.5%) of the participants had consumed alcohol in last one year. Low levels of physical activity were recorded among 63.7% of the participants. 81.76% of participants were consuming fruits only 3 days per week or less. The prevalence of overweight and obesity was 9.45% (95% CI: 26.3–30.9%) and 1.99% (95% CI: 11.2–14.4) respectively. Prevalence of raised blood pressure, raised blood sugar and raised blood cholesterol was 7.5%, 11.6% and 10.1% respectively. 43.1% of the study participants had 3 or more than 3 behavioural/metabolic risk factors for the non-communicable diseases.
Conclusion: High prevalence of the major risk factors for NCDs was reported. There is an urgent need to direct and implement prevention and control interventions to this section of population in order to lower the serious consequences of NCDs.