Propofol is chemically 2,6 diisopropyl phenol, an alkylphenol. All phenols have a propensity to cause irritation of skin and mucous membrane; and propofol is no exception. Pain after propofol injection can be immediate as well as delayed. The immediate pain is due to irritation of endothelium lining of the peripheral vein whereas delayed pain is due to release of various mediators such as kininogen from kinin cascade. Various methods have been proposed to decrease the pain on propofol injection such as selection of large calibre vein, fast injection speed, diluting it prior to administration and preadministration of various drugs such as lignocaine, antiemetics, ketamine etc. No single drug or measure is completely effective in alleviating PPI. Hence, it is advisable to have at least two or more measures in combination to effectively prevent the pain on propofol injection.