A review on vajeekaran formulations as depicted in bharat bhaishajya ratnakar

Dr. Pallavi Pardeshi and Dr. Manasi Deshpande

Vajeekarana is one of the eight specialties of Ashtang Ayurved dealing with the various disorders related to Shukra dhatu. When Shukra gets vitiated due to some etiological factors, it leads to disease like infertility; loss of libido, premature ejaculation etc. By proper use of Vajeekaran formulations, one becomes endowed with good physique, potency, strength and complexion and sexually exhilarated and sexually potent. Herbal and Herbomineral combinations are administered as per the nature of a person according to fundamental principles of Ayurved. In this review, attempt has been made to compile the Vajeekar/ Vrushya formulations mentioned in Bharat Bhaishjya Ratnakar- Ayurved classical book for formulations. These formulations are combinations of various plant drugs, minerals, metals and animal originated and act by its specific action. These formulations may initiate or enhance either spermatogenesis or androgen synthesis or both, improve ejaculation or improve the action of androgens. Their pharmacological action is classified at Psychic level and at Somatic level.

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