The aim of the current article is to discuss about the job burnout and its relation with the employees who are working in banking and teaching. This paper covers about the findings and suggestions on job burn out in various sectors like financial and education sector. The discussion is about the job burn out and their impact on employee performance. The reaction due to increasing emotional exhaustion and depersonalization leading towards the lack of individual success were discussed. Burnout is a concept which was born in the mid 1970’s in the USA and with astounding quickness has develop a catch-word to transfer an almost infinite variety of social and personal problems affecting workers. It describes a specific function among serving professionals, believed to be the result of unnecessary demands made upon their energy, strength and resources. Burnout is replicated in emotional exhaustion and lethargy, physical tiredness, lack of energy, psychological illness, increased alcohol and drug consumption, cynicism, inappropriate anger, depression and lack of personal achievements. It is revealed that the employees in these above sectors are highly affected showing symptoms of burnout, which directly or indirectly affect their job performance.