Yoga not only has the concepts but also the tools and technology needed for us to find out and realize “Our Self”. Hathayoga is considered as Sadhana or medium to achieve Rajyoga. Bandha is a special characteristic of Hathayoga. The 4 types of bandhas viz., Jalandhar Bandha, Uddiyan Bandha, Mul Bandha and Maha Bandha. The aims and objectives of this review article is to Compile and commemorate the classical references of Jalandar Bandha and its applied aspects. Various yogic texts like Hatha Yoga Pradeepika, Gheranda Samhita and the Siva Samhita etc., described Jalandhara Bandha very well. Jalandhara bandha is extremely useful for alleviating throat disorders. It also improves the quality of the voice and increases mental relaxation, relieving stress, anxiety and anger may be effective in several psychosomatic disorders. The stimulus on the throat helps to balance thyroid function and helpful in metabolic disorders. It may protect the brain, eyes, and inner ears from the internal pressure of the retained breath. Applied Jalandhar Bandha technique is also useful in Danta Nirharana kriya .This review on Jalandhar Bandha can play a major role in applied science, to prevent various psychosomatic diseases without creating any side effects. Many more literary and clinical study must be planned to validate classical references to establish its authenticity in modern scientific scenario.