Conventional person authentication techniques in view of passwords and personality records neglect to meet the extreme security and execution needs of basic societal applications like web based business and global fringe crossing. This thusly has empowered dynamic research in the field of biometric acknowledgment. Biometrics is the exploration of building up the character of the individual in light of physical or behavioral characteristics, for example, fingerprint, face, vein, ear what's more, iris and so on. Biometric frameworks depend on the commence that the physical and behavioral traits can be particularly related to a person.Information Fusion is the recently rising examination field, joining in excess of one asset to frame a super data. The biometrics and numerical information can be joined by information fusion method to form an access key, which is utilized as an identity of the legitimate user. In such systems gives high-security levels, biometrics acquires non-denial and dispenses with the need to recall passwords or to convey tokens. In this writing survey, an encryption approach utilizing information fusion including biometrics and a numerical portion is talked about.