Ayurveda is the system of traditional Indian Medicine & science of life, with a holistic approach. The Primary motto of Ayurved is to prevent diseases and the secondary motto is to treat the diseases if any. Thus, preventive measures had given more importance 'prevention is always better than cure. Measures for the prevention of diseases are- Aahar, Vihar, Dincharya, Rutucharya, etc. Since the ancient period, Dhupan (fumigation) is one of the parts of preventive measures. Dhupan karma is practiced for purifying the environment by eradicating micro-organisms, hence Dhupan has importance to prevent infection. In ancient days various methods were used to get rid of harmful micro-organisms in our environments viz- Agnihotra, Yagnyas, Dhupan, Rakshoghna Karma, Rakshavidhan, Krimihar dravyas external application, During Vedic period Yagnyas and Havan had commonly practiced for environmental purification. In Samhita Period Yagnya, Rakshavid -dhan, Dhupan was more practiced. The classical procedure of Dhupan was replaced by modern fumigation, the chemicals like formaldehyde, which are antimicrobial are toxic to human beings-procedures, effectiveness, convenience, cost, and types of allergies by fumes, hence the present literature research is aimed to compile the efficacy of these Rakhoghna, Krumighna, Kandughna dravyas were studied for their collective effect on a particular disease.