Ayurveda is oldest medical science of India. Ayurveda has its own tools and principles to treat & eliminate the diseases form the body. Our Ancient seers Acharya Charak, Sushrut, Vagbhatta, and chakrapani all are described external and internal uses of kshar karma in various disorders. Kshar karma Therapy is a paramedical procedure which are used from ancient time for curable of many external & internal diseases. Diseases which are not curable with modern medicine or drugs and another notorious diseases where medicine as well performing surgery also difficult and has a lot of complication like - infection, disfigurement, difficult to approach etc. in these disorders kshar karma therapy is so much effective to treat the disease such as skin diseases, some allergic condition, Bhagandar (Fistula in ano), Nadi Vrina (Sinuses) Arbuda (Cancer) Arsha (Piles), Dusta Vrina (chornic or non-healing ulcers), Charmakil (wart), Tilkalaka (Melanomas), External abscess, Disease of Mouth, Ranula, Some tumor of mouth cavity, gall bladder stones & renal colic etc.
Ayurveda has answered of all dangerous diseases. It has answer all the problems only by one word that is Kshara karma Therapy. Most of the patients are feared and not happy to go for surgery if alternatives of that diseases are available. Many times patients are not fit to undergo on surgical operation. Under such conditions the alternative measures for advancing the result of surgery is always welcome.
Recent advances in uses of external kshara karma application in the form of kshar sutra, kshar pichu, pratisarniya kshar and ksharvarti etc. are most effective for curing various anorectal disorders, skin disorders and non-healing ulcers etc. Another advances in internal application of kshar karma in the form of vati and capsules, which are useful in cholelithiasis, Granthi (Benign Tumor), Urolithiasis, Arbuda (Cancer) and Nephrolithiasis.