Restoration of aesthetics is not only an option but also restoring function matters – a narrative review

Padmaja B., Rao B L., Satyanaraya T S V., Sravanthi T L G., Aditya K and Mrudula A G

Gagging in patients can be a significant impediment to dental procedures, lowering the quality of care. Gag-susceptible patients are a dentist's worst nightmare. Thus, one of the challenging skills put to the test during the dental treatment procedure is the instant gag reflex and its management. A hypersensitive gag reflex frequently slows down ongoing procedures, lengthening the therapeutic process. Various circumstances, ranging from congenital to iatrogenic, appear to amplify this reaction. Gagging can also be a physical manifestation of anxiety, indicating a threat to one's ability to breathe or swallow. The etiology, scoring, and consequently effective and professional management of gag-prone individuals during clinical procedures are discussed in this article.

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DOI: 110.0023
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