Introduction: Cadaveric dissection is routinely practiced for teaching anatomy for medical students and help them understand the three-dimensional structure by visual and tactile impression. There is a need for students to act in an ethical way while dissecting cadaver in medical colleges and also to understand the key principle in handling cadavers which lies in following universal precautions in dissection hall.
Aim: To train the medical undergraduates in Anatomy to respect the cadaver as their first teacher. To assess their knowledge regarding ethical aspects of dissection of the cadaver and study the feedback given by students after sensitization.
Methodology: Knowledge of 100 students from 1st MBBS regarding ethics in dissection hall was assessed with the help of pretest consisting of 10 questions. OSPE was conducted to assess their attitude while actually dissecting the cadaver. The students were sensitized regarding ethics to be followed while handling cadavers by didactic lectures. Then posttest and OSPE were conducted to assess their gain in knowledge, change in attitude and behavior on dissection table. Data of feedbacks was analyzed.
Results: There was significant gain in knowledge students about respecting a cadaver, other responsibilities while dissecting cadaver, gratitude practices and overall mannerism in dissection hall. Chi-square -value for getting ready for dissection was 68.16, P=0.0001, and Chi-square -value for steps for disposal of tissue was 105.8 (P=0.0001).
Conclusion: Students should be made aware of dissection hall mannerism and respecting cadavers as their first teacher. Present study recommends inclusion of ethics and guidelines for proper disposal of biologic tissue and personal safety while dissecting dead bodies in existing curriculum of 1st M.B.B.S. students.