The security of internet became a major concern and the security history allows a better understanding of the emergence of security technology. RC4 is a unique kind of design for a keystream generator. The large internal memory of RC4 and the updating dynamically of tables imply that RC4 is secure from conventional attacks on keystream generators. Over the past eight years RC4 has been extensively evaluated in the open literature. Several interesting properties of RC4 have been discovered, and some weaknesses of the original initialization process have been found. However, to date there has been no weakness discovered that is serious enough to conclude that RC4 is insecure for use. Our research reveals that using a word size of n = 8 and suppressing the first few output bytes prevents most attacks. In this paper RC4 based encryption algorithmic rule is pre-owned to secure Email communications. Protecting our incoming and outgoing emails is a top priority for us, which is why we are always working to improve mail flow encryption. The trend toward converged networks where voice, IP, video and wireless are combined over the same network infrastructure offers significant - and highly attractive - benefits. But this union introduces new vulnerabilities and new opportunities to break into the network and so we need converged security. In this paper we investigate the possibility of using RC4 to secure emails. RC4 based encryption algorithm is used to ensure secure Email communications.